roasted Indian fish and creamy curried cauliflower from @SpicyPerspectiv

Now that were 80% settled in South Carolina (weve got a minor book hoarding problem that still needs to be addressed and numerous nursery items that still need to be assembled) and our late summer travels have completely ceased, Im starting to get into a good meal planning and preparing routine again. Its such a nice feeling to have all the ingredients on hand for a healthful meal when dinnertime rolls around. Whats made this easier than ever for me is the Menu Planner app. It takes a few minutes of trial and error to figure this app out, but once you learn how to navigate around, meal planning/grocery list making is a breeze. And enjoyable. Meal planning the old-fashioned way (searching for recipes and manually writing out a coordinating grocery list) had really lost its luster for me, so finding this convenient, fully-electronic approach couldnt have come at a better time. The meal I planned and made last night, roasted Indian fish and creamy curried cauliflower, was a big success. I used tilapia, a mild fish that was bursting with spicy, smoky flavor by the time the recipe was complete. Id absolutely make this again, and will now be able to do so with little effort because its permanently stored in my Menu Planner app!