baked tilapia with tomatoes and olives from @cdkitchen

I was reading up on things to do in the last weeks of pregnancy, and thought cleaning out the fridge and freezer was a good one I could get started on now. My mom is an amateur chef and will be here almost the entire month of November to ensure Lloyd and I are well-fed and cared for, so that we can in turn feed and care for the baby. So I want to start making room for her delicious creations now. I had a filet of tilapia in the freezer that I thought would make the perfect lunch for one today. I just needed a recipe. Also in the spirit of using up what I have on hand, I wanted something that called for tomatoes (these– the concept isnew to me too, but I love them!).and decided on a variation of this baked tilapia with olives and tomatoes dish. In addition to swapping in boxed for fresh tomatoes,I served the fish on top of some whole wheat angel hair and melted a bit of provolone cheese on top. Pretty effortless and very good.