The International Boston Seafood Show & the Social Media Stratosphere

Its been suggested that social media is a Pandoras Box. Its become as much a beast-feeding exercise for some as it has an essential tool of promotion and communications for others. Regardless of where you fall on the medium, social media has arrived at the International Boston Seafood Show and proves to be no longer in its infancy. A robust presence can be found on multiple platforms from outside arbiters to nearly every booth.

There is now no excuse to not be on top of every aspect of the show. There are 500,000 square feet to cover and a cadre of cameras, bloggers and twitter devotees who are willing to do it for you. You can watch the show go from boxes booths

with the simple click of a mouse.

In a space once reserved, just a few short years ago, for only the most social media savvy, we now see virtual coverage of the show reaching a fever pitch thanks in part to a contest promoted by iPura.

Its official. Gone are the days of screeching fax machines belching out unsolicited offer sheets and new product announcements. Here to stay are instant twitter updates, real time reporting and Vlogs. So, while there is more than a hint of irony in suggesting the sky is the limit for the social media coverage of a product that comes from the sea, such is in fact that case as the IBSS launches into the social media stratosphere.