Salmon burgers and potatoes with dill

My supper plan for this week is all mixed up. Wednesday we made the homemade falafel
scheduled for Friday because it sounded good; last night I made the salmon burgers
scheduled for Wednesday instead of going out to eat after photography class
because it was late and I was exhausted; and tonight I’m going out to eat as
scheduled for Thursday because it’s Kailua
First Friday
. Moral of the story is
that making a supper plan is more flexible than it seems because you can always
swap recipes depending on your mood or what comes up. But the key is that you have all the
ingredients so you don’t have to go to
the store multiple times throughout the week
, which can be a real time

Here are the burgers I whipped up in ten minutes last night
and, being that I was deliriously tired, most people could probably do it even
quicker. The mix-ins du jour were pretty
simple, dill and garlic. Went well with
the dill
…and by “went well,” I mean I already had chopped up dill so I used
it for both.

salmon burger

Noon on a Friday is just about the only time I start to get really jealous of those I know and love on the east coast because their weekend is in full swing and mine is so close, yet so far away. But then again, your Monday begins before mine….

Happy Friday, wherever you may be!