Hawaii Fishing and Seafood Festival

On Columbus Day I did a little journeying myself. After a harrowing flight over the Pacific
(OK, it was smooth as could be and I slept most of the way) I’m back on the
mainland for a little over a week – visiting colleagues for a few days in
Washington, DC and then attending the 2009
American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo
FNCE) in Denver. Lloyd and I had a fun
weekend together before I left, the highlight being the Hawaii Fishing and
Seafood Festival
. Usually I’m super
food focused at festivals like this, and our lunch was delicious….

Pan seared ahi with ginger garlic cilantro sauce for me


Fresh beer battered swordfish with fries, malt vinegar,
and ginger garlic cilantro dip for Lloyd

fish and chips

…but I was most impressed with the fish printing. At first, I saw these prints and assumed they
were hand-painted, but then I noticed they were stamped using real fish. I really do find fish pretty enough to be
art, so I think one of these prints may
be in my future.

fish printing