chimichurri salmon with spicy, citrusy black beans

salmon and beans

I love beans. Yet somehow, I have opted for canned over dried every single time I have ever prepared them. Yes, that’s right, until last night I was a dried beans virgin. So now, on the morning after, I can honestly say I don’t know what I was so afraid of. Cooking with dried beans takes longer, but is entirely foolproof and results in a richer taste and heartier texture. I adore canned beans too, but last night’s tasted more like the kind you’d get in a good Mexican restaurant. The citrusy flavor paired wonderfully with the earthy chimichurri salmon, which I made in literally7 minutes by rubbing a spice mix Ikeep on handon the fish and sauting stove-top (flesh-side first) in a bit of olive oil. And the whole dish had my favorite quality – heat!