Cosa Nostra meet Greenpeace?

In case you missed the piece in the Toronto Sun about Greenpeace I have to say its a must read. The column titled Trespassing For Dollars outlines how Greenpeace breaks the law, abuses its standing in the media and raises money all the while.

More than once weve pointed out Greenpeaces stunningly transparent fund raising schemes that usually include half truths, exaggerations and or as they call it emotionalizing the issue lying.

Trespassing For Dollars includes a litany of all of these offenses and points out some really stunning numbers, like: Greenpeaces budget last year was nearly $270 million. They need to bring in more than $700,000 a day just to keep the lights on.

It goes on to suggest that, at least in Canada, an argument could be made that Greenpeace is a criminal enterprise profiting off of criminal actions and could potentially be prosecuted.

Might Greenpeace be seeing Canadian Mountie red in the future?