sauted sea scallops with chickpea salad and yellow pepper-tahini vinaigrette


Yesterday I narrowly avoided what can only be described a potentially devastating disaster when I remembered, only at the very last second, to add magical yellow pepper vinaigrette to our scallop dinner.I made the sauce a couple weeks ago and froze the remainder, so it was hiding in the microwave after defrosting.I plated the meal, took a picture, and started to dig in when it dawned on me something sweet and saffron-y was missing.Luckily, neither Lloyd nor I had gotten too far and there were still plenty scallops for the sauce.
Tonight, about 30 of our friends will be joining us at Mexitlan Grill for Lloyds send-off party.The menu includes shrimp fajitas, so Ill be sure to take a pic.Have a great weekend.