pasta with tuna, garlic, and lemon

tuna pasta
I was in full-blown hostess mode at Lloyds send off party last Friday at Mexitlan Grill, so I didnt get the chance to snap a pic of the delicious shrimp (and chicken and beef) fajitas we ate.Youll have to take my word for it that they were very tasty.I can almost guarantee Ill have an opportunity to take a photo of fajitas again very soon because we leave for over a week in Texas tomorrow night.This is Lloyds last chance to see both our families before he deploys at the end of the month, and were really looking forward to it.
Due to the pending travel, Im trying not to buy new groceries.So yesterday just before lunch I was tickled to see this tasty pasta with tuna, garlic, and lemon recipe, for which I had all the ingredients on hand.Im actually probably going to make it again today, but might add some fresh spinach that Im trying to use up.