Are Massachusetts Fishermen Being Targeted for Eco-Terror?

We saw some disturbing news come out of Plymouth, Massachusetts this week. The Boston Herald reported that 12 commercial fishing boats were vandalized with spray painted anti-fishing messages.

While no group has stepped forward to take responsibility, the initials “E.L.F.”generally associated with the eco-terrorist Earth Liberation Frontwere spray painted on a number of the boats, while others were tagged with “Greenpeace.” Law enforcement authorities have yet to announce that any evidence links either group to this incident butthe FBI is investigating.For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Earth Liberation Front., it’s safe to say that they’re one of the most notorious eco-terrorist groups operating today. Founded in the U.K. in 1992, they were classified as America’s top domestic terror threat in 2001 by the FBI.

Needless to say, vandalism like this ought to be condemned. The last thing the men and women who work the waterneed is to be targeted for harassment. Here’s hoping that whoever was responsible is apprehended and brought to justice in short order.