NFI Partners with Advocates for the Women, Infants, and Children Program
February 12, 2024 Reston, VA – The National Fisheries Institute announces it has joined the National WIC Association (NWA) as a Non-Profit Organization/Small Business Partner. The pairing is part of NFI’s efforts to advocate for and strengthen the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC.)
“Seafood is a renowned superfood and anything we can do to ensure communities at nutritional risk have access to it is important,” said NFI President and CEO Lisa Wallenda Picard. “Affordable, shelf stable staples like canned salmon are part of the program and provide a nutrient-rich protein that’s just about unmatched in the health department.”
The WIC program is 50 years old in 2024 and has been a leader in providing families access to healthy foods. In 2022, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced proposed updates to align WIC packages with the current Dietary Guidelines that would expand access to seafood for nearly all program participants. Adding seafood to additional WIC food packages is a crucial step toward addressing one of most under-consumed foods in Americans’ diets. Nearly all Americans across all ages – 90% on average – have seafood intakes below recommended amounts.
“NFI members from Alaska to Georgia supply seafood to the program and are invested in seeing it thrive,” said Picard.
WIC is not an entitlement program. Congress does not set aside funds for eligible individuals to participate. WIC is a federal grant program for which Congress authorizes a specific amount of funds each year.
For more than 75 years, NFI has been the leading trade association for the seafood industry whose members represent all aspects of the value chain from water to the table. For more information, visit our Web site at
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