National Fisheries Institute Celebrates Judy Dashiell’s 20 Years of Leadership 

ORLANDO, FL – January 23, 2024 — Today the National Fisheries Institute celebrates Judy Dashiell’s 20 years of leadership. Judy is the Chief Operating Officer of the country’s largest seafood trade association, but she is much more than that. She is a force of nature for the association and the industry. 

Taking a moment during the Global Seafood Market Conference (GSMC) to honor her reminds us that she was a seminal force in bringing the very first GSMC to life. She was the creative architect who built the award-winning Dish on Fish. She was the engineer who grew simple fly-in’s into leadership conferences. All while being a rudder for staff and members during difficult times. 

Her more than two-decade partnership with John Connelly built the foundation for a renowned advocacy organization and we thank her for her continued work. 

Congratulations Judy on 20 years… with more to come. 

Lisa Wallenda Picard 

President & CEO 

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