National Fisheries Institute Breaks Its Own Membership Record 

2023’s New Member Expansion Continues in 2024 

February 27, 2024, Reston, VA – At a time when there are great challenges within the sector, companies are uniting under the National Fisheries Institute’s umbrella to find collective solutions. In 2023, NFI broke its record for new members in a single year, welcoming 22 companies in 12 months. In just the first two months of 2024, the nation’s largest seafood association has already broken that record welcoming 23 new members.  

“We’re hearing from so many companies that now is an important time to engage and help chart the trajectory of the seafood industry,” said NFI President and CEO Lisa Wallenda Picard. “NFI members agree that seafood is the solution for feeding future generations.” 

NFI continues to diversify its membership with the addition of innovative upstart companies and traditional industry powerhouses.  

“NFI is in the midst of its own strategic planning that will help design its course for the next 3 to 5 years, and likely beyond,” said NFI Chair Santiago Alvarez, CEO of Alpha Gamma Group. “Shaping seafood’s narrative, growing support for advocacy efforts, and connecting the industry is at the heart of that effort. And as we’ve seen, the seafood community understands that now is an ideal time to be a part of NFI.” 

In addition to the membership numbers, the association announced this year’s Global Seafood Market Conference saw its largest attendance ever. NFI is proud to support the upcoming 2024 Seafood Expo North America and Seafood Processing North America with current and new members exhibit booths spanning the expo hall.  

NFI will hold its annual Leadership Summit, September 23-26 at the Intercontinental Wharf, Washington, D.C. 

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