National Fisheries Institute Announces New Additions to its Board of Directors 

Reston, VA – November 13, 2024 – The National Fisheries Institute’s (NFI) members approved a new slate of Directors of the Board at its Annual Membership Meeting. 

NFI’s bylaws allow for a 51-person Board, with 45 at-large Directors. There is an 18-person Executive Committee drawn from the Board and six officers. NFI elects a new slate of board members annually to serve three-year terms. 

“This Board is comprised of some of the most knowledgeable individuals in the seafood community,” said NFI President and CEO Lisa Wallenda Picard. “The NFI Board of Directors’ never-ending commitment to the industry will always impress me, and I’m honored to welcome these new voices and outlooks to the Board.” 

The newly elected Board members as well as Executive Committee members and Officers in italics are as follow: 

Marcy  Bemiller  Candor Consulting, LLC  Founder 
Frank  Bodin  Nordic Group Inc.  Vice President of Finance and Administration 
Jason Driskill H-E-B Vice President – Seafood
Paul Jewer High Liner Foods President and CEO
Dick Jones Blue Ocean Mariculture CEO
Bart  Lovejoy  Glacier Fish Company  Vice President, Global Sales 
Ben  Medearis  Americold Logistics, LLC  Vice President, Business Development Protein Sector 
Roger  O’Brien  Santa Monica Seafood Company  President and CEO 
Bret Scholtes Cooke Aquaculture USA Chief Operating Officer
Matthew Simpson  Monarch LLC   President 
Anjan  Tharakan Newport International  President 
Lisa Webb Gorton’s Inc. Vice President of Operations
Mark Palicki Fortune International LLC Chief Operating Officer

Lisa Webb, Gorton’s Inc. Vice President of Operations, joins the officer’s group as Treasurer and Mark Palicki, Chief Operating Officer of Fortune International LLC, joins the officer’s group as Secretary. 

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